Cheryl W | 19/Aug/2002:12:08:07 | |
To Kim Lane... Hi my daughter is 7 and has motor tics and does not have Tourettes. Over a year a half ago we went to a few nero. dr.s and one said she had tourette's ater examining her for 15 min. She has no other signs of Tourette (motor tics with verbal tics or ADHD or OCD). We then took her to a nero. dr. at a children's hosp. who examined her for about one hour plus talked to me and my husband (and reviewed our familiy's health) and we were told that she does not have tourette's but a form of which is just Motor Tics. We have tried several different medications (only because these tics have bothered her and has come to be a problem in school with writing and other kids picking on her) we found meds that finally work and do not make her tired or slow her down at all. It has made the tics practicaly diminish. I found this site to be one of the best and informative sites there are out there especially for kids who have tourettes or just tics. For a long while I felt as |
Sara Huffman | 16/Aug/2002:12:25:24 | |
My 11 year old beautiful grandaughter was just diagnosed with TS. I have realized since she was a very young child that this was what she had, but the tics have recently progressed a great deal. I am very skeptical about using medication as long as she is able to learn to deal with it herself. She is a very active, outgoing child. She has shown signs of OCD for quite awhile also. She is entering middle school this year. What now, besides letting her teacher's know not to be critical of any of the tics she displays? Also, are there any support groups in their area. They live in Morgantown, West Virginia. Thank you so much for this helpful site. Sara Huffman 8/16/2002 |
Nicole C | 13/Aug/2002:13:24:58 | |
I am a 29 year old mom with a 5 year old son just getting ready for school. My husband and I have been questioning our son's noises and arm jerking actions. The doctor says that it was just a "FAZE" or blam allergies. We have just had are first teacher interview. I know that my son was nervous but he was jerking and moving his head so much that I just was not setteled with the Doctors reasoning. I was telling him to stop or just draw his attention to what he was doing. The teacher said it could be Tourette Syndrome. Now that I have found your sight, Thank you. You have spelled out my son to the "T". That reading everything exactly down the line of what my son does and acts like. Thank you. Now it is time to call the Doctor again. |
Roger Kassabian | 06/Aug/2002:14:55:51 | |
I am 29 years old from Beirut, Lebanon. I was diagnosed with Tourette until I was 20 years old, and I am on medication since then. Here in Lebanon, no body knows about this terrible disease. I saw a lot of physicians and no body knew what I have been through except one doctor. Your website helped me a lot to understand the nature of this disease beause I knew nothing about it until this year. I taught I was unique!!! I graduated from college with a B.Sc in Food Technology and I have a very important job. Your website helped me to restore my self confidence, to be self dependant, to take important decisions. I am doing my own therapy because my physician is not giving lots of credit to my illness!! I only want to thank you and to congatulate you for a wanderfull website. I wish you can publish this few words. Finally i want to say that no one in my family have or had Tourette syndrome, so I beleive that this disease is not always genetic. Tha |
Lynda Riddell | 04/Aug/2002:13:54:49 | |
Hi, My son was finally diagnosed as having ADHD about 4 years ago when he was 8. This was after years of going back -&- forth to hospitals. We mentioned at the time about his involuntary movements and the drs said that they would only deal with one thing at a time. Well the involuntary movements are getting worse. We have an appointment on 14th August and would like some help on how to get the doctors to listen to us. I have printed your website and am going through it tonight. Thankyou Lynda |
Kim Lane | 02/Aug/2002:18:06:15 | |
My five year old son was diagnosed with motor tics yesterday. I'm trying to get a clear difference of what the difference is between that and tourettes syndrome or is there a difference. |
Norm Hickel | 02/Aug/2002:01:23:50 | |
My son has TS and a host of other issues... he's 12 and has finally gotten past the denile stage. He attended his first TS camp a few weeks ago and has decided never to miss another... its important for kids with TS to be around others with TS just so they can learn that their not alone... and the same is true for their parents... |
Barb Merica | 31/Jul/2002:21:59:44 | |
Our son Jordan was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 3 1/2 years old and now at age 10 he has been diagnosed with mild Tourette Syndrome also. Jordan has been experiencing the facial tics and body jerking movements for about three years now. Every week a new tic will arise and I just wish there was something we could do to make them stop. Jordan takes clonodine 3 times a day along with adderall. It is very difficult to watch your child suffer like this, but we're doing our best to make everyone aware of his condition. |
MrsMom | An Educational Emporium | 27/Jul/2002:12:14:54 |
Hello! We were directed to your site by Kathryn Taubert who seems to be one of the sweetest person I have met as she has been most encouraging to us. Our son has recently been diagnosed with TS. He is fifteen and a treasure beyond price to us. So many changes have taken place lately and we are over-whelmed by some of them. I am still trying to digest all the online info about TS and am trying to find a bulletin board/chat room that my son can visit and speak/communicate with other children who have TS. Sp far from what I read, your website seems to be a God-send as it is given in a perspective of the child/person does not have a disease nor different. So, here I go back to read more...*smile* Thank you and God Bless you. The Taylors |
Jennifer Scola | 24/Jul/2002:15:09:39 | |
My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 7. He is turning 9 this summer and has developed tics. We took him off of Adderall because we were sure that they were causing the tics. He has been off since May and his tics are much worse. They have gone from throat clearing to body jerking and teeth clashing. We saw a neurologist this morning who has diagnosed him with Tourretts. I am very worried, sick, distressed... I am also confused about wether or not to put him back on meds for his ADD. His self esteem has been so unbelievable this past year because he has done so well in school. Now, for these tics to be so noticable, I am afraid to cause any more "damage" with medication. I feel very guilty. Thank you for your web site that has calmed my nerves (a little) |
beth | 23/Jul/2002:23:07:35 | |
WOW! Finally a web-page with a positive attitude about a long-suffering *(although needlessly) problem. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your knowledge and honesty! From one Mom to another, THANK YOU! |
Kirk Lowell | 13/Jul/2002:21:43:55 | |
EXCELLENT TS information site!!! | ||
Kathy E | 10/Jul/2002:20:56:17 | |
Wow, thanks for a great web site. The letter to parents was written to me. I am looking forward to meeting other parents with similar concers. My son has been dx with ts and so far I am having a more difficult time than he is. I am posting to the msg board in hopes of gainging some support. We are far and removed from the rest of the world here in Japan so I am looking forward to sharing with you and others at your site. Thanks again for a great site. |
Cheryl W | 08/Jul/2002:23:06:01 | |
What a wonderful site, I am back again with some questions. My 7 year old daughter has tics. She was on clonidine patch which worked wonderful (the tics somewhat faded away) she became more confident in herself then. Kids weren't bothering her is school about why she jumps and rolls her eyes. Because she had an reaction to the adhesive from the patch we had to discontinue clonidine patch. The Dr. said clonidine pill's side effects were extremely tiredness so we are trying tenex which is not helping at all. What is next? I do not want to sedate my child. And the tics are comming back. I don't know what to do and I don't want my child to be some sort of experment. There has to be some medicine out there that can help with tics. This is so frustrating. I wish so bad that I can help her. When you are a parent you are supposed to help them and now I feel like I am letting her down by not helping her. She understands this but I don't. With modern meds like there is today yo |
sara | 06/Jul/2002:08:36:55 | |
carolyn quillen | 04/Jul/2002:18:15:00 | |
I have a grown son with TS. Have not been involved in treatments, info or anythng ina long time.Have a 3 yr old gson. Just wanted to see what is new.Thanks |
Tina M | 27/Jun/2002:20:32:25 | |
I have a 7 yr. old son who was diagnosed at 5 1/2 yrs. He started out with the sniffing, nose rubbing and eye blinking. Once the facial grimacing and throat clearing started I knew that it had to be more than just allergies. After searching the internet, I figured out that it had to be TS. A pediatric neuro. at Johns Hopkins Hospital confirmed it.In the past year and 1/2 we have dealt with the original tics along with some new ones: hair twirling, nose picking, stepping backwards, spinning, mouth opening, eye rolling, smelling his arm and eye rubbing. So far his motor/vocal tics have not been the big problems. He is extremely emotional,tactile a big prob. He is currently seeing a therapist for his anxiety and lack of self esteem. We have tried everything and figured that it wouldn't hurt to try one. We really don't want to go the med. route until we have to. It's really heart breaking every time a new tic starts. I can't help but worry, what tic is next and will it be w |
ema | 20/Jun/2002:12:31:48 | |
thanks for the useful info. | ||
Hope Roohr | 17/Jun/2002:11:26:23 | |
Our 8 year old daughter has been diagnosed with a tic disorder- possibly transient, possibly chronic (who knows)- could even be Tourettes but so far we have seen nothing but neck -&- head tensing- this website has been very!! helpful as we panic along. |
bunnie | 15/Jun/2002:22:36:51 | |
My sister just found out that my 8 yr old nephew has turets.We dont know much about it but I am devestated.He has been thru enough already.The diagnosed him with ADHD when he was four and I dont understand why they didnt see this then.Is it possible they could be wrong? |
Margaret (vic aust) | 15/Jun/2002:22:02:53 | |
My 37 year old son was diagnosed when he was 11 years old after 4 years of one doctor after another. After reading some of the letters other parents have written I realize my son was not as bad as he could have been. He had quite a number of the motor tics ( some of which still remain) but not as bad as they were all those years ago. He had a very unhappy period in teenage years being called names etc did not mix well . He was treated with Haloperidol(serenace) only has medication occasionally now. If I look back to what I thought his life would be like with Tourette Syndrome I couldn't have been more wrong. He is a thoughtful considerate loving son who throws himself into everything he does. His working life has him dealing with the public everyday, no stuttering as he used to do, his confidence has soared. I wish I had been able to read other parents stories all those years ago, they certainly would have helped. Thank you.Marg. |
Cheryl W | 14/Jun/2002:20:53:41 | |
to tina: Tina in ref. to you note, my daughter is 7 an has motor tics (she does not have tourettes) but because of her tics have increased she is now on medication (is has bothered her social life and school work) since her nero. doc. put her on medication these symptoms are now something she can live with. Her tics seem to have slightly diminished. I am not a believer in giving children meds but this seem to work for my daughter The medication we have tried is clonidine (patch) or tenex. Neither made her tired nor side effects, I realize no children are alike and some have diff. reactions but you should ask you doctor about those medications. This really is a wonderful site, I have learned a lot from this, thanks everyone. |
Tina | 13/Jun/2002:23:22:49 | |
I have a 14 year old son with TS. He was diagnosed at the age of 7. His doctor put him on medication, the medicine caused him to hallucinate. We took him off the medication immediately. The past 7 years he has bravely dealt with chronic pain in the neck area, his motor tics vary. His tics come and go and worsen when he gets extremely tired. My son will begin highschool this year. We would like to know if there are any new medications for tics with minimal side effects and will not make him sleepy. I will be watching and waiting for an answer from someone. Thanks!!!! |
Nicole Ducille | 12/Jun/2002:13:07:20 | |
My 10 year old daughter was diagnoses with tourettes syndrome when she was 8 1/2. Yesterday, one of the tics I'd hoped would not come back - did. Her head jerking gives her a headache and it breaks my heart to see her do it. I was feeling down and scared today so I decided to check the internet - I'm glad I did. This is the first time I've been on this sight - after only a few minutes of scanning I'm feeling more at ease and less fearful of the future. I'm at work so I can't spend too much time with you - I'll be back on when I go home. Thanks!!!! |
chris kennett | 11/Jun/2002:23:17:29 | |
i hope i filled this ouy right.i am new with this computer but i need some advise to try and help someone who is very special to me who has a 17 year old boy who has tourette.please try to reply thank you. |
jeff | 10/Jun/2002:02:49:49 | |
My son was recently diagnosed with TS. The neurologist was not too concerned. He has not displayed any co-morbid academic problems to date. I now realise that he has had mild tics since just prior to his third birthday. He is 5 1/2 now and while arguably still mild, his tics have increased. He clearly has one or two consistent tics (sniffling, and face grimacing). I have observed as many as 12 different classic tics from him. Some, I noticed just once. Most are not done regularly and are resonably rare. No one has ever noticed ,except his mother and I, that he has a problem. I am trying to ascertain if anything in the future can be predicted by what I am seeing at this time. Also, is it possible to train my son to avoid some tics and replace them with others. For example, can one tell a child with TS not to touch or kiss someone else, "if you need to tic just blink or sniffle instead". Any experience? Thanks for any help. Jeff |
David W. Morris | 08/Jun/2002:22:14:10 | |
I believe my son has had Tourettes symptoms for many years. He is now 15 and the symptoms are less. Has anyone heard of using natural supplements such as Flax Seed Oil? Because it is mild, I would prefer non-medication. thanks |
Kiana | | 06/Jun/2002:20:27:15 |
Cool site and interesting... nice work! | ||
Verniece Johnson | 31/May/2002:13:45:24 | |
Thanks for having such a good site. I used this site to give information about Tourette's Syndrome for a project at school. I think that this site is very helpful. Thanks again!! |
Cheryl W | 29/May/2002:13:50:25 | |
Thanks to tosy I found this site which is very helpful. My 7 year old daughter has Motor tics but does not have Tourette's. I have been trying to locate more info. And am glad to know that I am not alone. Thank you. |
Maria | 29/May/2002:00:12:30 | |
This is my first time here. I am so new to all of this. My seven year old daughter is having many many tics and they have just totally worsened the past few weeks. We finally see a neuroloigist in 2 weeks and I don't know what to expect. I love her more than anything but it breaks my heart to see her doing all this. Is this wrong? I wish I could take it all away. This site I know will be a tremendous help for me |
bubba sparx | 28/May/2002:13:28:22 | |
Milton Murrelson | 27/May/2002:16:58:54 | |
Dear Parents: My son was diagnosed with "Tourette Syndrome" four years ago. His doctor said it wasnt his fault that he cussed and misbehaved all the time. He put my son on a bunch of drugs that didnt do nothing. About 3 months ago I threw all those pills away and gave Billy a good spanking. Every time he cussed or flipped the bird I whipped him good. Now he is cured of "tourette syndrome" which isnt even a real disease, just a label stuck on bad kids. The bible says spare the rod, spoil the child. I know, I can cure Tourette with a good whipping. |
Kerry Miller | 27/May/2002:03:30:08 | |
My daughter has just been diagnosed.She is 5. She is affected by her motor skills.(complex).She sticks her legs straight out, spins her hands around each other,has facial movements,shrugs one shoulder up and down,this is all at once. I can't even do it if I try.She has autistic traits also but we haven't got a book big enough to write them all down.Happy,releived,shocked,all in one emotion. |
Priscilla Eger | 25/May/2002:16:38:51 | |
My husband found out he had Tourette's later in life. Mostly he has problems sleeping. We have him on medication for sleep. Life goes on. I am glad I have found this website. |
Wendy Markey | 24/May/2002:11:47:54 | |
Thank you for the info...Our son was diagnosed two years ago,just when we think we have his condition figured out, it changes.It is a struggle and a challenge, he also has ADD,OCD with his TS.I am wondering how other parents cope with the outbursts and awful behavior...I was a great mom until TS....Now I don't seem to know what the heck I'm doing.I hope to find some support. Thanks |
Tammy Meske | 23/May/2002:03:08:36 | |
Thanks for posting such helpful info. Our son was just diagnosed and we weren't sure about where to turn or all the details. |
Lynne D. | 22/May/2002:21:36:12 | |
Does anyone know where I can get a "Boycott Dr. Laura" bumper sticker? | ||
Suzanne Dubois-Hill | 22/May/2002:14:32:26 | |
I appreciate the insights and humor of these thoughts!!! Iam conducting a social research project, as an adult student of a nine yr old boy living with Tourette. This birth order study of TS will complete my BS. It is a confidential survey, and I would be ever grateful if you would like to participate in it. Thank you, Sue Hill |
nancy suelter | 15/May/2002:20:40:06 | |
Cynthia | 13/May/2002:09:06:33 | |
Thank You so much for this site. My son (almost 8) has been experiencing eye blinking since he was 3 or 4. I did take him to the DR and he said could be allergies but to ignore it. I really wanted to believe it was allergies. There were a few other minor tics until about 7 months ago when he went on a camping trip with my DH and his older cousins. He then started shaking his head/shoulders. Looked like a spasm and REALLY freaked me out. I thought it was a brain tumor! I ttok him to DR and he said it was a tic and to completely ignore it (hard to do) or it would get worse. It lasted a few days and then he returned to his normal small tics. Last week, he made his Communion and he started "jumping" in church. I know these tics are tired/stress/excitement induced but it is still hard to ignore. My DH is the greatest and I'm trying to be strong but I cry alot now. We are still waiting for offcial Tourettes diagnosis (b/c I am witing to find a DR experienced with this--trying to eliminat |
Garth Shamley | 09/May/2002:01:36:24 | |
Tina | 07/May/2002:21:02:27 | |
My son Sam has been ticcing since about 4yrs.old. First visit to neurologist when he was 5.We were told he would out grow them. Then in the middle of first grade they became more verbal. We took him to another neorologist and were told it was TS.The school has been great.His classmates are great. Sam is a very well liked boy.He does well in school although he hates doing homework.We had a staffing at his school.He will be put on a 504 program,witch is great.All the teachers will be educated then the teachers will educate the students. That I feel will help out alot.The swearing has calmed down aloy. I have been lucky early on the pediatrcian had told us not to discipline Sam for his so called habits. I try and teach my son about humor, I tell him its easier to laugh then to cry.I try not to worry about the future and take one day at a time.God has blessed me with him and I will help guide him. He has a very loving 18yr old brother and two parents yhat love him. We have great family |
nancy m | 03/May/2002:15:26:43 | |
Great website.Learned more on TS.Thanks.Dont hesitate to email me any time for support as my 11 year old son has ocd adhd and ts also.Maybe i can be of some help to someone. |
Brenda | 03/May/2002:10:15:42 | |
My 7 yr old son just got diagnosed with TS...he has 5 different tics..the ped.neurologist says to just let it ride...she seems to think that with that many tics he will eventually have the loud verbal eppisodes......The ped.neurologist also stated that my 11 yr old daughter has tics......I dont have anyone in my family with this it inherited or where does it come from...I am researching all I can on this disorder..... |
jennie | 02/May/2002:19:33:17 | |
I have a ten year old stepson with what I would classify as severe Touretettes - constant lound swearing, spitting, headbanging, compulsive touching of food as well as a whole range of minor tics. He lives with us for half of every week and I'm finding it extremely hard to cope with. When I met him 3 years ago he only had eye twitches and head movements . My husband and I now have a one year old son together and I'm terrifed he'll have it too, I could handle a mild case but the thought him being like Emilio is devestating. I'm good friends with his mmother and she finds coping with him very difficult too. She has an older son with schizophrenia (previous marriage,not related to my husband, gee it's complicated). Both my husband and her are a bit "twitchy", she has facial twitches and sniffs, my husband blinks and has an arm twitch, but neither have been diagnosed with tourettes. Help! Emilio takes haliperidol now with little effect, his parents and I are very unwilling to take this |
Monica | 01/May/2002:22:27:49 | |
Hi: My name is monica, and I have a 6 year old son who just just recently diagnosed with TS. I was very floor at the process of the doctors final diagnoses. I am by no means in "DENILE" but would want a complete and thro gowning over, like some sort of testing, blood work, etc. None of that took place, doctor came in look at my son playing and writting and coloring etc, asked a few question and handed me a prescription for clonidine and send me and my son on our merry way. Is this what takes place??? I want to know!!! My gut tells me to find a leading specialist in the field of TS in my area for a proper going over. But to find one(NOW) that's where I get off track? How do I find one in my area. I am in central cailf and completely lost on this one. Could you please advise me as to what I need to do and where I need to go Please!!!!!! I want to get this child properly diagnosed and setteled in along with his ADHD. Please help out!!! Thank You Monica |
Brenda | 30/Apr/2002:17:05:54 | |
I am a single mother of a 10 year old son with tourettes. He was diagnosed 3 years ago and every day i see changes, some for the better some for the worse. He goes to therapy to5 muscle tightness. He also has several other dissorders. He looks perfectly normal. Beautiful in my eyes. I need support...I need friends....I need hope.... |
kirsty | 29/Apr/2002:18:43:25 | |
this site is great, iam doing a school project on tourettes and this site ahs been a great help. Maybe in future you could add something about the possible causes or tourettes, the effects it has, the problems it causes and the possible ways of alleviating the suffering of, or of helping the person with this disability. |
Lesa | 26/Apr/2002:15:36:06 | |
My boy friends son, he's like my son too! has just been diagnosed as haveing touretts syndrom, this sight is such a comfort and help to us . thanks so much. It is so confusing and a bit scary to us as we knew nothing about touretts syndrom and we have so many questions and worries. |
Lisa Snider | 25/Apr/2002:13:43:10 | |
I would like some information regarding this syndrome. I have been concerned about my son for awhile now. He was partly diagnosed with ADD.(if that makes any sense!) He was on Adderall for about 8 months. We took him off in the beginning of the third grade and he has developed these motor and verbal tics. I have now decided to go to the pediatrician. Could this be TS? If so, what causes this? I am so concerned and I want to know all there is to know. Thank you. Sincerely, Lisa Snider |
Pam | 23/Apr/2002:15:28:35 | |
My daughter was a perfect angel for the first 7 years of her life. Blinks and twitches then started.. followed by tics, anger, agression and out of control behaviour. I still see my angel in her and love her so much. It is such a challenge at times to know how to deal with the Tourettes while keeping her self-esteem intact.. along with my sanity!! She is almost 11 now and puberty is kicking in.. what a challenge!! Her 9 year old brother shows no signs yet... cross my fingers. Thanks for your web-site. It gives all of us great assistance with dealing with the syndrome without damaging the child. God Bless our Children!! |
Eleni | 22/Apr/2002:13:52:50 | |
Hello, I have a brother 30 yeras old and is diagnosed for TS for 2 years now. At the beginning he had some vocal and motor tics but now they have developed. Now he is in a condition that he cannot work, as he does not speak (he understands but he does not respont vocaly) and he has several tics. He has visited quite a few doctors but here in Greece they do not really know many things about TS. Can you give me some information of how you are dealing with it in your son's case? Is there any special medication in America for people with Tourette? What kind of symptoms did he have..? Is he 'cured' now? Sincerely, Eleni |
Pamela Powell | 20/Apr/2002:16:33:47 | |
Hi, I have read many of the comments and they were very interesting. One thing I cannot find is how do you deal with the school systems who refuse to accept Tourette's Syndrome. He is 12 and diagnosed with TS at age 9. He is told to stop making those noises and quit moving like that. He say, "I cannot help it." They conider this being a "smart alec." If anyone has experienced this or has a solution please let me know. Thanks Pam |
Garry Earles | 13/Apr/2002:14:37:51 | |
This is a new EMAIL address for me. For those I know.. HI!! and for those I don't, I'm a psych social worker who specializes in the emotional/psychological/social effects of TS. I have a brochure for those interested. Thanks, Garry ( THANKS A HEAP FOR SUCH A GREAT SITE.. A TERIFF SERVICE -&- RESOURCE!! |
Hopeful | 12/Apr/2002:12:53:55 | |
Thank you -&- bless you for this site. My son has been suspected of having Tourette's for a while; a family member has been told she has it, so it did not come as the shock it might have, but the neurologist who gave the "definitive" diagnosis was reluctant to "label" him, saying it was o.k. to use the term w. the child study team but otherwise would not commit to calling it what it appears to be, saying he had "Tourette's-like symptoms". This is very frustrating, as I cannot educate my family regarding this syndrome when there is a certain level of denial. In any case, your site is a refreshing -&- reassuring place to visit. |
Christal Janis | 07/Apr/2002:00:28:42 | |
Thanks for being here to give support and information to people, who need to be able to understand such a misunderstood illness. Christal Janis |
Kathi | 06/Apr/2002:17:21:35 | |
I've just stumbled upon your website, and I can't wait to sift though the whole thing! We, too, are at the TS-So what stage, my son being "officially" diagnosed about three years ago. My father-in-law, and my brother-in-law both have Tourettes, so we were looking for it in both of our children. When my daughter was 3, we noticed some eye and mouth tics, but they turned out to be typical 3-year-old growth twitches. Our son, who didn't show any signs of tics until he was around 4, was the one who "inherited" this wonderful experience. When we first noticed the tics, we immediately took him to a pediatric neurologist, who basically allowed us to diagnose the Tourettes ourselves. At that point, Scottie (our son), was only having high tic days about once every week or so, and of course the day we visited the doctor was a low day...isn't that how it always happens? Anyway, the doctor respected our observations enough to give us the diagnosis, which allowed us to be able to get res |
Leanne | 06/Apr/2002:02:43:58 | |
Thank you for a change of pace. I am in the process of getting an "official" diagnosis for my soon to be 8 year old son. It is so comforting to read your thoughts regarding your children. I've always known my son was different, but I believed that I was blessed to have such an original person for a child. The comments and reactions I would receive from others-usually strangers in stores, restaurants, or those from brief acquaintences-would only re-inforce how great my son was. Then he started kindergarten and I watched this bright, loving, outgoing child turn into a frustrated, angry and very sad person. Despite different schools or environments, nothing seemed to fit for him except to continue staying at home with me. While it would get trying at times and burnout was something we battled constantly, it wasn't until I allowed his second grade school to begin the "testing" that I began to realize it wasn't other peoples inabillity to handle my son or my son's inabillity |
Meredith Welch | 22/Mar/2002:22:59:52 | |
WE have been with neuro clinics and doctors for our 12yo son for 8 years and today we saw a new doctor, with the same Rehab Clinic, who listened to our concerns about TS. Our son was been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD for over 5 years and the dr. seems to think he should be diagnosed with TS. I am looking for information on how diet restrictions affect TS. |
amber blasingame | 19/Mar/2002:18:58:45 | |
Hey My boyfriend well ex-boyfriend's brother jsut got diagnosed with tourette's syndrome and well he killed a cat so I have been reserching things to help his mom out |
Ksandra | 19/Mar/2002:13:51:22 | |
My 9 year old son was just diagnosed with ADD and a tic disorder. The scary part for me was that the tic disorder may worsen with ADD medicine. Now I feel it is not that worrisome, and that it may possibly be better to stop the ADD medicine than to add a med for the tic disorder. I am so glad to know that his ticcing is not just bad habits, thanks for this website! |
Gary Halton | 19/Mar/2002:06:49:07 | |
One of my little girls age 11 has TS. I think it has hit me much harder so far than her but I have found your site reassuring. Thank you. |
Robin Rola | 14/Mar/2002:11:25:26 | |
This note is for all the parents of a newly diagnosed child. It has been exactly one year since our son, Christopher (now age 8) has been diagnosed. NONE of my worst fears came true. Chris's verbal and motor tics come and go, but his baseline tics are unnoticeable. (I can recognize them, but no one else can, including his dad.) The school personnel have been wonderful. Chris has a place where he can go to "make noises" when he has a flare-up and it's done very subtly so the other kids don't know. He uses his "noise place" about twice a month. He takes Ritalin for ADHD and his grades have sky-rocketed. His tics did NOT increase with the medication. (The latest Yale study confirms this.) His friends are fine with his occasional flare-ups and Chris is very comfortable telling people he has TS. (Since I couldn't even say the word for 6 months, this is pretty amazing.) The neurologist is confident that Chris will outgrow his symptoms and I have made it my mission to educate people that |
kitten | 13/Mar/2002:12:04:02 | |
hey, i am both Bipolar and ADHD and ADD but it is cool. As long as I have Mdication a Do wonderfully. Life is Good. |
M.J. Moreno | 08/Mar/2002:18:54:35 | |
I am a 7 year old boy who was just diagnosed with TS. My parents need to know how to help me. We are reading your website to find help. Thank you for being here. M.J. |
Deb | 04/Mar/2002:12:52:16 | |
I just finished reading your website and I want to say Thank-You. My son who is 8 has just been "diagnosed" with TS. Now that I have familiarized myself with symptoms I'm convinced he's had it longer than I thought. When the doctor verbalized what I've been thinking, it was awful. My husband and I were so upset. Why, what, how??? We've been reading alot and it is very scary. It seems to focus on worst case scenarios. Your website showed me this is not true. We have been trying to concentrate on the positives and not focus on the "what if's". It is so refreshing to read others stories and know that we are not alone. Thank you again and I'm definitely bookmarking your site. |
Darlene | 24/Feb/2002:22:39:33 | |
My 9 y/o son has yet to be diagnosed but the Neurolgist is treating him as if he has TS. He has prescribed for him 0.5mg of Haloperidol. My sister is a nurse in a local Hospital and everyone there that she has contacted about this drug has agreed that he does not need to be on it. I need some help and some greatly appreciated input. What do I do. Please send me some information about the best medication for TS. |
James Graham | 23/Feb/2002:02:06:34 | |
I have lived with Tourettes for 18 years now and it is nice to see a web site dedicated to helping those who have just been diagnosed and to help their families understand exactly what this condition is and how it effects the individual who has it Bravo to you |
Lindsay Johnson | 19/Feb/2002:11:06:05 | |
I found your site after searching for any information on TS. I am doing my degree dissertation on the effects of TS on the rest of the family but can't seem to find anything so if anyone out there would like to give me an insight then please don't hesitate to mail me. Yours lindsay Johnson |
marcia | 19/Feb/2002:10:40:32 | |
My 11 yr old son has ts+. It took 11 months of pain to find an answer for his behavior and being put in a behavior adjustment class. We found the right doctor eventually - thanks to TSA-Houston. He's back in regular classes - Honor classes. He is very lucky - his meds work. I appreciate your website presentating things in balance. |
Vernon Frazer | 17/Feb/2002:12:20:59 | |
Lissy | 15/Feb/2002:13:37:28 | |
I believe that Dr. Laura was extremely wrong in her offensive comments. For example, her quote,"So you think it is correct to be mad at them, that it's their wedding, that they'd like to not have a kid who's physically under, uh, a lack of control and will scream out vul-gar-i-ties in the middle of the wedding and you think it's wrong to exclude them? Michelle, you smoke something funny", I find to be very immature and juvenile. She should not be allowed back on the air because of her inconsiderate behavior towards a disease that people develop, not allowing them to have control over their tics and certain outbursts. |
Mrs. Hergerts 8th gr | 15/Feb/2002:13:25:35 | |
We all agree Dr. Lauras comments were cruel and miss informed and she should be banned till she apologizes. So protest her show dont listen to anything she says its completely idiotic. |
khan | 15/Feb/2002:13:23:00 | |
dr laura is messed she must've been high she shouldn't be on air | ||
Raymond Johnson | 15/Feb/2002:13:14:55 | |
I think that Dr. Laura is wrong for her comments and should be banned until she appologizes. |
Dennis page | 15/Feb/2002:13:11:31 | |
Dr. Laura was way wrong with her comments she should be banned |
Nanny | 13/Feb/2002:12:05:56 | |
Hi i have been posting on your message board and have learned a great deal from it. One thing we know our children/grandchildren better than anyone. I am raising my 8yo grandson (Bradley) with TS. Ocd.,,sleep do.,ADHD.,emotional problems. I hope I can continue to feel better about all this with your help and caring. Ihave learned more here than from any dr. His tics do not bother me, the major problen is the coprolalia, and we are working on that. Hope to get to know you all and I am here to help in anyway I can also. Linda, IL |
TSNW | Information about Tics and Psychostimulants | 12/Feb/2002:18:38:17 |
Journal-published information about tics and psychostimulants is included in the link above. |
Dawn | 12/Feb/2002:17:53:07 | |
My daughter was on Ritalin for 4 years for ADHD. The medication caused her to develope Tourettes. After much investigation into the medication and the company, I want to be sure that all parents are aware of this fact and the other health hazards of ritalin and other such medications. |
Stacey Shotley | 11/Feb/2002:15:20:29 | |
My son Tyler has TS and has had it for some time now. He was DX in 2001. He is 10 y/o and is very intelligent almost to his detriment. I read some of the comments by others in your guestbook and I've either been there with him already or am going through that at this moment. I can gladly say that Tyler is a wonderful, loving, kind child that is liked by most. One thing we did at his school was to let the other children know why he acts the way he does was by Tyler standing in front of the class with one of the people that work with him and together they explain to the class what TS is and that he can't help it when he makes noise or can't sit still. This has helped him with making friends in school. There are still the few that don't understand or just wont try to understand that give him a hard time, but he deals with it like a trooper! We love him very much and we are very greatful that the school is so helpful. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook, Stacey |
RedLady | 06/Feb/2002:19:59:07 | |
Hi...I am the mother of a 12 yr old male. He was diagnosed with TS at the age of nine. He has gone 3 yrs without any meds...which we are so thankfull for. But, here recently, he is having some serious upper torso body jerks and snapping his jaw open and shut. This tic has caused him to have serious jaw pain and we are currently making appt to see a pediatric neurologist about this. He is also OCD, but is a B honor roll student in the 7th grade. He suppresses the tics while at school and when he gets home...all hell breaks loose. I really feel for my young fellow, but am optimistic he will get the treatment necessary to get thru this current tic. I know TS is inherited, but my husband and I do not exhibit any signs of TS ourselves. We don't know of any other family members with the disorder either. Well, this is just and introduction of my family. I stumbled up on this website and it looks very informative. Will definitely bookmark. |
Heather Burnett | 05/Feb/2002:13:46:44 | |
My 3 year old son is showing several of the symptoms of TS. Clearing throat,blinking,rubbing of his nose, an occasional head jerk. Some days he's a perfect kid, usually a little hyper. Other days, well it can get pretty bad. He has his first appointment on Feb. 22, 2002. I stay possitive or try to. But I feel so overwelmed. And for a least a year he has shown some selve harm such as biting himself. I'm not sure what to do. Thanks Heather |
meggin | 31/Jan/2002:12:42:41 | |
Hi, I visited your site because I am doing my senior project on TS. I am really trying to grasp the whole concept of the syndrome. I can not seem to fond much. Your site did help me and I thank you. Reading your guest book helped too. Thank you very much. |
Donna | 29/Jan/2002:10:02:02 | |
Hi, I have a 23 year old daughter, who has had TS. but has not been dianosed with it by a doctor, when she played sports, and had physicals by her doctor, all the doctor asked, when we explained what she was doing," do you think it is a tic or something"? Well I had never heard of TS until she got into college. TS has really become a real problem now as she realizes it is hard to controll, and having a problem getting a job. Does anyone know who to go to in the Boston area, she has no medical insurance now because she is out of college. I would appreciate any information out there. thank you |
Anne-Marie | 28/Jan/2002:07:55:18 | |
My daughter Ashlee has just turned 9 and has had tourettes for just over a year now. For the past 3 months she has been symptom free but has just started a week ago with a new tic. She cant stop clearing her throat and she starts school for the new year tomorrow and I am concerned she will have problems in the classroom as it is very loud. I will speak to her new teacher and I think I will have a talk to the headmaster as well just in case there are any problems. The more informed they are, the less chance she will have of getting misunderstood. Last year her teacher was very good with her. This is a great site and I will continue to log on and read other peoples experiences. Thank God for the internet as it makes life so much easier when we are trying to find out about the conditions such as TS. |
KELLY | 23/Jan/2002:11:57:07 | |
jackie | 20/Jan/2002:22:46:32 | |
hi i have a 11 years old daughter i was just told she has tourette i am the panic mom all i want to learn as much as i can so i know the dr is doing the right thing.I like to find out how she got this too so if any one can help please email and put on email some thing about tourette i would sure be please thank you for all the infor on the web site. |
Heidi | 19/Jan/2002:10:54:47 | |
My son is 14 with tourettes. He currently isn't medicated by choise The older he gets the worse his tics get and as he approaches high school I get more worried for him. He doesn't like the medication they put him on when he was 1st diagnosed(clonidine). It makes him very tired and groggy! Is there anything out there that is less sedating but can help his tics(even if it's just a little)? Please Help!! His tics normally don't really bother him,however lately they've gotten much worse. |
Cheryl | 19/Jan/2002:10:40:51 | |
Your site is great! Thanks for all the information on Bi-Polar, also all the wonderful links! Very interesting. |
linda henson | 18/Jan/2002:20:50:21 | |
this is for my son jamie henson age 9 we cant find a doctor close by where we live i dont know what to do |
Maria | 17/Jan/2002:23:17:31 | |
Hello: I live in Costa Rica, my sister in Nicaragua told me about your site. My son David is 11 years old. He has a problem of speech ( he studders) since he started speaking, then he tics started about 3 years ago. I didn't know about TS, and in this country there aren't many doctors specialized in TS, in fact, there is only one that know of. He diagnosed David with TS about a year ago, but I'm not satisfied, becouse he dind't take any tests. I wanted to know if you can recommend somewhere we could take him to take these specialized tests that I keep reading about. I would aprecciate it. |
Jody Tate | 16/Jan/2002:23:47:19 | |
WE are new at this also. My son is 11 years old and his entire life he has had unusual mannerisms (that my husband and I adored, we always just saw him as wonderful and fun). Teachers, though, had been attempting to label him and medicate him since first grade. I am so tired of defending this beautiful boy. Can't everyone else just look at the heart and soul of this very loving child???? anyway, we are starting a new journey today. I have no doubt that I am going to learn great things and that my son is on the road to his destiny. I have never had a doubt that he is meant to use his life for something.. He is just so beautiful. |
Barbara LaValley | 16/Jan/2002:09:12:38 | |
My Son Devon was Diagnosed with tourettes in november of 2000. Since then its been up and down. It seems like every other day he wakes up with new tics. |
Cappy | 15/Jan/2002:23:18:25 | |
My son has touretts, severely he is 12 , he endures other children picking on him, fighting with him and even his father verbaly and mentaly abusing him. I am so glad that there are web sites to promote ts. and Holly wood well thats anouther story, they get me mad sometimes. They portray TS as a cursing disease, and make fun of it. Let one of the Hollywood producers kids have it and see how they will feel. right!!!!! |
diane distler | 15/Jan/2002:10:28:36 | |
i am a grandparent of a newly diagnosed TS patient. He is 9 yrs old has ADHD and recently diagnosed with phono logical disorder and mixed receptive expressive language disorder. This after spending 3 wks in a psy. ward at Stoneybrook university Hosp. Actually I'm just venting now because I just spent the morning on the phone with my daughter,the mother of Justin, who was crying because she didn't know if she had done the right thing forccing him to go to school after he begged to stay home because he is enbarissed to go to class. I,m sure you have heard all this before. Thanks for listening and having an open venue so people like me can talk openly. |